
It is a rough time for many people, and having already spent two months systemically cancelling and disassembling everything I have worked on for the past seven months, more than most I understand the stress of what COVID-19 is causing people. Especially as a Travel Agent, when we are now approaching 10 weeks with no-income into the company, and so much time needed to cancel or credit bookings that the requirements of a full time set of staff is needed. I almost envy those in take out stores or hair dressers who can simply shut up shop – if only we had it so easy!

Still it is times like these we have to look at the positive aspects, and for me although my guild hasn’t raided in well over 18 months, and I’ve been neglecting my own progress sorely, the enforced social distancing and isolation measures that have come into action have allowed me more WoW time then I have had in quite a while, and time to simply look at what I want to do and get to it.

One of those things that has bugged me since the end of Legion was a lack of an efficient way to get Honourable Medallions for the older PVP gear sets. It seemed I could run Battleground after Battleground and not get any, same with PVP island expeditions or arenas. Then whilst laboriously waiting for the Arachnoid Harvester to respawn on Saturday my brother mentioned he was getting a fairly good rate drop in the latest Arathi PVP Brawl and that I should check it out.

Pan to two days later, and I have finished off the remaining seven warrior PvP sets I was after, and have claimed all the demon hunter sets. With the Brawl due to end soon, I might not set around seeing which class to farm up the old sets for transmogrification until the next brawl rolls around, but it has given me something else to now focus on whilst online that sort of fulfills my need to complete everything.

I also find that after playing the game for nearly 13 years that finally being relieved of the stress needed to organise raids and wait for others to turn up or find replacements is in fact a relief. I did initially miss regular raiding, but just being able to log on now when I want and do what I want is much more liberating, and has brought back some real enjoyment of the game I hadn’t had in a while – though I do miss the days when our guild chat was extremely crowded and people were on hand to do the odd thing or two.

It also means I can focus more on what I want to do, rather than ensuring I am most fully up to date to help others accomplish things. Don’t want to work on the cloak this week? Prefer to farm up some old dungeons? Done. Whilst I did love raiding, there were a lot of aspects to it that required an almost workmanlike necessity to keep up to date with the latest gear, ensure rotations and class abilities are up to spec and you were performing well.  Now though I can simply muddle along and do as I please, and it is surprisingly refreshing!

The real question is  .. what should I focus on next 😊 I feel like it should be making money for a Brutosaur before they disappear from the vendors, but I truly don’t think I have the stamina for that kind of gold grind!

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