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Like many of you I have been delving into Shadowlands, and hopefully again like many, have been enjoying it. Part of that enjoyment comes from the return of so many Guildies who up and quit over their dislike of Battle For Azeroth, part of the enjoyment comes as always from new content and new storylines.

As a druid I naturally chose Ardenweald and the Night Fae for my covenant, thematically they just fit so well. I wasn’t though prepared for how awesome I would find Convoke the Spirits. As an emergency mass heal or a bit of quick dps it has proven to be very useful out in the world, in mythic dungeons and now raiding. How useful it is though has led me to question why it feels so useful, and part of the answer to that I feel is something I have asked before – do Druids have enough useful spells.

In Balance at the moment I feel like its very repetative in simply trying to bring about the various casting states, a few odd spells that are not necessarily bound to sun or moon rotations would be nice … like a return of insect swarm. Restoration though is where I feel really lacking, I feel like I am either overhealing waaaaay to much just to keep everyones health topped up in a mythic dungeon, or that I am being consistently outhealed by everyone in a raid simply so I don’t waste mana and they don’t have to rely on hots. Fact or just my imagination, I don’t know but i would feel more secure if I had a single decent one off non-hot heal, whether they bring back healing touch or make nourish a better single heal I’m not sure but if I have a stack of hots ticking along and someone needs an immediate boost a good dose of health seems to be what I am missing.

Otherwise, who would want Symbiosis back? I will leave you with this thought, all I can imagine is placing it on a mage when I am in Moonkin form and letting loose mirror images while casting convoke the spirits …….

I don’t have a lot of Alliance Characters at Max Level these days, back during Warlords I had about a dozen, but since then I am lucky if I get 3 or 4 or up just to mainly see the quest lines – like my Gnome Death Knight, Dahylya Deadgear (don’t you really wish we could have surnames etc?), pictured above whom I levelled for the sole reason of doing the Gnomish Heritage Armour Set Quest, and does she not look spectacular in it?

Which brings me around to the issue I wanted to just put a quick highlight on – which are the options now available with Transmogrification. I mean, everyone has been raving about how great it is that you can pick more character customization’s at the barber (which it is), but what so many seem to have missed, is that with the changes to levelling you can now transmog your characters gear (and it will stay there a while if you have upgraded heirlooms) from almost the get go! I mean you can have your new druid running around in a flash looking set rather than some of the horrendous low level items. Let me show a few examples from my latest batch of alts I have finally started levelling for the heritage armour sets ..

As you can see these fantastic range of level 10s all look very good in their uber suits! It is amazing how many people on the boat to the Broken Shore, or running through Tanaan have asked how such a low level character is wearing a higher level outfit. To be honest I think the changes are great, how about you?


It is a rough time for many people, and having already spent two months systemically cancelling and disassembling everything I have worked on for the past seven months, more than most I understand the stress of what COVID-19 is causing people. Especially as a Travel Agent, when we are now approaching 10 weeks with no-income into the company, and so much time needed to cancel or credit bookings that the requirements of a full time set of staff is needed. I almost envy those in take out stores or hair dressers who can simply shut up shop – if only we had it so easy!

Still it is times like these we have to look at the positive aspects, and for me although my guild hasn’t raided in well over 18 months, and I’ve been neglecting my own progress sorely, the enforced social distancing and isolation measures that have come into action have allowed me more WoW time then I have had in quite a while, and time to simply look at what I want to do and get to it.

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I’m about to express what will probably be a fairly unpopular opinion, but my experience in the War of Thorns and the Battle of Lorderon Scenario have started to annoy me, and not at Alliance players but at Horde. I get the Sylvanas hate, but after years as a Horde Icon, as far as I am concerned the Alliance can keep Saurfang. Bugger the whole #notmywarcheif things, and be damned with unequipping my shoulders, as far as I’m concerned its #notmyhighoverlord all the way after the betrayal of the Horde that is Saurfangs actions.

Now, do I think that the War of the Thorns was necessary? No. Do I think that there was justification behind the war and the Horde had some reasonable basis in starting it? Yes, some. Did I agree with burning Darnashes*? No. Was it necessary? I don’t know.

I will be honest as a  person I hate what Sylvanas is up to, as a member of the Horde I can understand the reasoning, I mean people like Genn Greymane can’t be trusted to maintain the peace so trying to secure Kalimdor makes sense, even if things went a little far ( and lets be honest, to the night elf population losing Auberdine or Astranar which have been occupied for thousands of years should hurt more than Darnassus which is what .. 15? 20 years old?) , but I digress, what offends me on every level is the actions of Saurfang, and the growing hero worship he appears to be receiving.

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Now without giving away anything I think that this expansion we are going to get to see plenty about Sylvanas, and we are seeing Nathanos Blightcaller in action again, we also see a return of Lilian Voss (Pictured above) who has been popping up since the Cataclysm Expansion. With the latest Warcraft Novel we are also getting more on Alonsus Foal, who was a major lore figure that reappeared in legion in the priest hall. So for the undead we are finally seeing some much needed character developments.

I just wish we would see more development on some of the lesser characters that have been around a while and deserve a bit more . There are some that could even open up new roads for possible (but unlikely) game play with the forsaken in future , like …

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